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While known as a staple in chipmaking, lasers also are used to manufacture everything from razor blades to jet engines, and companies such as IPG Photonics (IPGP) and Newport (NEWP) see the list of applications growing.

Smaller sizes and lower costs have made lasers easier to incorporate in precision tools, replacing older technologies in factories and research labs.

“You can do things with a laser that you just can‘t do with a mechanical blade,” said Newport CEO Bob Phillippy.

A Newport engineer configures a spectra-physics laser at the company’s Santa Clara, Calif., laboratory. View Enlarged ImageLasers aren‘t just for cutting and welding. They’re also used in scientific instruments, like those that generate images of cell membranes and what lies underneath them.

Military To Civilian

The military has long used lasers in targeting and surveillance, areas that could expand into some civilian uses, Phillippy says.

Laser makers IPG Photonics, Newport, Coherent (COHR) and Rofin-Sinar (RSTI) have been logging double- and triple-digit profit and sales growth in recent quarters, helped by a rebounding manufacturing sector and federal stimulus spending.

Fiber-based lasers and their lower operating costs also have been replacing gas-based lasers as users upgrade, says Mark Miller, an analyst with Noble Financial. Shares of IPG, which is especially known for its fiber-based lasers, have doubled this year. Coherent, Rofin-Sinar and Newport also make fiber-based lasers.

Other factors helping laser makers include a revival among their chipmaker customers and the shifting of production to China, which boosts profit margins, Miller says.

The end of stimulus spending and the cyclical nature of chipmaking are challenges, but laser makers are aided by having a diverse set of products and customers, he says.

“It limits their exposure,” Miller said.

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